About US

Partnering to Make a Transformational Difference

Future Achievement’s Leadership Team, Strategic Alliances, and Certified Strategic Partner Relationship Network are all committed to personal, professional and organizational transformation.

Our relevant and timely Character-Based Leadership Solutions are delivered through a proprietary methodology intended to significantly improve a person’s Personal Leadership Effectiveness (PLE), while focusing on their overall Attitudes, Beliefs, and Commitments.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team is comprised of several seasoned professionals that are philosophically aligned and committed to bringing Character-Based Leadership Solutions to multiple for-profit industry sectors and non-profit organizations. Our Leadership Team has conducted extensive research over the past two decades to create and develop several proprietary intellectual properties that are unique, relevant, and timely for today’s marketplace. Our Character-Based Value Proposition and Human Capital Solutions address a significant omission within the Human Capital space.

Douglas Tucker
President/CEO, and Co-Founder

Doug Tucker is responsible for driving the Vision, Mission, and Purpose of Future Achievement International and he oversees the day-to-day operations. Mr. Tucker has been an entrepreneur for over 40 years serving as Principal Owner and Executive Officer of several Companies in Mortgage Banking, Financial Planning, Publishing, and Promotions.

Prior to Co-Founding Future Achievement International® in 1996 Doug Tucker owned a Promotions Company that successfully promoted several nationally recognized speakers and authors such as: Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, (Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Ken Blanchard, Zig Ziglar, Dennis Waitely, Og Mandino (Author of Greatest Salesman in the World), Jim Rohn, and several sports celebrities such as Lou Holtz (former Norte Dame football coach), Pat Riley (former Lakers basketball coach), and others.

Doug Tucker’s Promotions Company established a partnership alliance with Peak Performance International to secure media and corporate sponsors for their North America speaking events. Media sponsorships included Entrepreneur Magazine, various radio stations, and other business publications. The Promotion Company also secured many Corporate Sponsorships including AT&T, American Airlines, Hewlett Packard, Cannon, MCI, and a number of regional Corporate Sponsorships in various North American cities.

Dr. Ron Jenson
Co-Founder & Company Advisor

Dr. Jenson is the creator and developer of Future Achievement International’s proprietary “Character-Based” MAXIMIZERS Principles, which are foundational to the MERIT Profile and our suite of Personal Leadership Effectiveness Solutions. Dr. Jenson’s research in the field of leadership spans 40 years, during which he has interviewed over 1,000 international leaders in a variety of corporate, government, educational, and non-profit organizations. Dr. Jenson is recognized worldwide as an author and featured keynote speaker.

Dr. Neil Salvaterra
Director of Educational Services

Dr. Salvaterra manages the administration for all Educational Services provided by the Company. Dr. Salvaterra has extensive professional experience in the fields of Education, Employee Development, and Executive Leadership training. He achieved a successful career in the hospitality and foodservice industries. Dr. Salvaterra has been instrumental in the development of the Company’s proprietary Value Proposition known worldwide as Personal Leadership Effectiveness™ (PLE). He is a Certified PLE Consultant, PLE Trainer, PLE Coach, and PLE Mentor-Instructor.

Dr. Mike Williamson M.S., Ph.D.

Dr. Williamson was the primary researcher and developer of the MERIT Profile. Dr. Williamson is an alumnus and faculty member of the University of Southern California where he earned two graduate degrees, a Master of Science in Psychometric Testing and Measurement and a Ph.D. in Research Design and Statistics.  He was the recipient of the Thesis of the Year Award from the USC Alumni Association for research that evaluated the effectiveness of standardized tests in education.

Our Technology – Marketing Platform Partners

Bob Clinkert
VP Operations, Partner – RemoteLink, Inc.

RemoteLink is responsible for the creation and oversight of the MERIT Profile Platform and PLE Coaches Concierge Platform for Future Achievement International. Mr. Clinkert spent the majority of his career as a lead software engineer and manager for Northrup, Siemens Medical Systems, and Tellabs. Mr. Clinkert has a strong background in creating operational efficiency and scalability, as well as technology project management, product management, and product design and development.

Steve Bailey
President/Founder – Strategic Online Corporation

Strategic Online Corporation is responsible for the creation and oversight of the websites and marketing platforms for Future Achievement International.  Strategic Online specializes in online presence for business, data delivery, digital advertising, and commerce. Mr. Bailey spent 20 years of his executive career directing the operations and development of telecommunications, networking, and data infrastructure for a Fortune 500 Health Insurance Company.

A Few of our Certified Strategic Partner Relationships

David Smith
Certified PLE Consultant, Trainer, Coach

Mr. Smith is Principal Consultant at Logia Consulting Inc., a Canadian-based business.   He has over 25 years as a corporate leader, coach and consultant with significant experience in ‘greenfield’ Organizational start-ups and Organizational Culture-building. Mr. Smith’s corporate banking experience has provided familiarity with business and financial models in many industries including: government, manufacturing, telecommunications, agriculture, financial institutions, transportation, hospitality, real estate development, and health care.

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