Relevant and timely
Human Capital solutions
Since 1996 Future Achievement International has researched, developed, validated, and brought to market several proprietary “Character-Based Leadership Solutions.” Our central value proposition focuses on the importance of Personal Leadership Effectiveness. Our educational programs, products, and services have been delivered in over 50 countries worldwide.
“It is simply time for EVERY organization to maximize its Human Capital Assets if the organization’s objective is to maximize its Vision, Mission, and Purpose.”
Douglas W. Tucker
President/CEO and Co-founder
Our Human Capital Solutions help Organizations “Improve the Predictability of their Human Capital Decisions” that significantly impact their Culture, Talent Acquisition, Employee Development, and Employee Retention initiatives.
PLE is the One Common Denominator that Impacts the
Vision, Mission, and Purpose of Every Organization

PLE is equal to or greater in importance than an individual’s education, job skills or work experience.
PLE is critical whether you are the Chairman of the Board, CEO, Director, Manager, Supervisor or Valued Employee.
PLE of every employee impacts performance, productivity, team efficiency, and bottom line results…in a positive or negative manner.
PLE is built upon a foundation of an individual’s Character and Behavior DNA.
Character and Behavior – Matter in the Workplace
Hiring Report – Employee Development Report
Organizations today must have the ability to accurately assess the Character and Behavior DNA of every employee, as well as their Attitudes, Beliefs, and Commitments.
The Art of Search and Recruitment is a talent that we can attempt to master through years of experience. Using the MERIT Profile allows us to get closer to mastering the Science of Search and Recruitment.”
We have used the MERIT Profile for several senior level hiring positions and have realized how effective the tool is to help screen out candidates that do not align and/or fit within our corporate culture.
“This life-changing Personal Leadership Effectiveness program will enable companies to develop authentic leaders at every level. This system has enabled me to have laser-sharp focus on my mission and has challenged me to practice the right habits that yield the greatest return.”
Based on my experiences with the MERIT Profile assessment tool I could never return to the more traditional hiring methods that I used in the past.
“The character-based principles taught by Future Achievement help develop leaders that can take a company from good to great. In order to create a company that lasts, there have to be leaders who commit to living by basic principles that transcend time. These must be principles that are not swayed by the current culture or business climate. Future Achievement has put these time-tested principles in an easy to understand format to help companies achieve lasting returns.”
Satisfied Clients Using the MERIT Profile and/or our Proprietary
Personal Leadership Effectiveness Human Capital Solutions

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Please inform our Leadership Team if your Organization would like to learn more about the various options available to help you “Improve the Predictability of Your Human Capital Decisions.”